"He who wants to warm himself in old age
must build a fireplace in his youth."
German proverb
Tin scraps awaiting their next incarnation |
...We may have finally finished the fireplace. I say 'may' because we didn't really have a plan to begin with and, it would be fair to say, that we never really came up with one along the way. It has simply evolved.
It started with an eco-gel firebox, then T found an oak mantel circa 1900, following that was the bevelled mirror vs television debate (I conceded). The mantel rested in the corner of our living room with the firebox (still in its cardboard shipping box) sitting in it's gaping mouth for months.
We have since repurposed some tin ceiling tiles to fill the gaps around the box and, yesterday, added some more tin around the oak mantel to give it a sense of place and a bit more 'presence'.
It's now time to live with it for a bit... it may still need some tweaking. (photos soon)