Friday, December 2, 2011

Random thoughts...

Sometimes my mind wanders - no bounces - from one thought to another with no apparent relevance to anything that I am actually meant to be doing.
Yesterday, being the 1st of December, I recalled (perhaps incorrectly) that Hans Christian Andersen published his first fairy tales on that date in 1835... that led to thoughts of the moral underpinnings of fairy tales and, simultaneously, the caricature-like physical traits of HC himself...
Which led to recollecting Arthur Rackham's illustrations for many, many tales and fables (love his illustrations)...
Then a thought leap to seasonal moral tales such as Dickens' A Christmas Carol and, though much lesser known, The Chimes...
And finally, thoughts of this season of giving and the responsibility that we all have to improve the human condition, offer hope and extend empathy. I wonder if Hans Christian Andersen imagined that his life's work would impact the thoughts of those so many generations away from his time?

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