Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday Rant... (not urgent nor important)

Pro eto. Ei i mne (About this. To her and to me),
Aleksandr Rodchenko 1923
I am annoyed (although sometimes guilty) of the constant sense of urgency infused in daily life.
I am equally perturbed by the confusion between what is urgent and what is important.


jeanette from everton terrace said...

Ah I know this feeling well. I once had a great boss, he taught me his secrets to success and quizzed me on them almost daily for years.
1. Strong work ethic
2. Attention to detail
3. Sense of urgency

I must admit it was great at work - we accomplished much every day, but that last one took a looong time to shake in my personal life. It helps that my husband almost never feels anything is urgent. He is much more relaxed.

Laurie SF said...

A daily run is urgent for me, soaking up valuable time. I try to remind myself that it's important not to be so selfish and to spend valuable time with the people I love.