Thursday, April 21, 2011

Growing up...

In my mind, I am not 'grown up'.
There are occasions when I feel I play 'grown up'...
unlocking the door to our home for the first time,
every time I meet with an architect, and
during certain profession-related events.

Purchasing new furniture is something that other,
grown up people do.
Not me (not T either).
I look at magazines, I admire, even covet sometimes, but I do not purchase new.

Until yesterday.
Due date: June 24th.
Guaranteed to make me feel grown up for 5 minutes minimum.

...that is until the temptation hits to test out how 'springy' those hand-tied springs really are.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful.....absolutely beautiful ! Congratulations on this venture into adult-world.
And exactly WHO will be the one to test it by jumping? You? T? or 1, 2 or 3?
Love, V

Anonymous said...

Beautiful.....absolutely beautiful ! Congratulations on this venture into adult-world.
And exactly WHO will be the one to test it by jumping? You? T? or 1, 2 or 3?
Love, V